haha. funny. thats all
chapter 8- transfer of thermal energy.
basical this chapter is all about convection and conduction and radiation. the textbook is long winded again so i will summarise what i have learnt.
DEFINATION: Conduction is the process of thermal energy without any flow of the material medium.
Thermal energy is transferred from a region of higher temp. to a lower temp. but the time interval that it is transferred varies on the type of medium being used.
thermal energy is transferred faster in a good conductor (eg. wood) but slower in a poorer conductor( insulator).
this reminds me of a joke. one day a conductor lost his baton hence uses a sword to conduct. during practice, a player was constanly playing out of tune and the conductor got very angry and threw the sword at the player. he killed the player and was sentence to death through a electric chair but survived. the law states that if a man is not dead by the electric chair after 3 times of shocking, he can be released. and one day, the conductor lost his baton again and the same thing happen and still survived the electric chair. Why is this so? it is because he was a bad conductor.
haha funny.
DEFINATION: Convection is the transfer of thermal energy by means of currents in a fluid

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